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  • taxmedic 11:52 am on May 20, 2011 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: HM Revenue & Customs, , VAT   

    HMRC targets VAT Cheats 

    HMRC targets VAT Cheats

    HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) today announced an initiative to crack down on VAT rule breakers. The new campaign will focus on individuals and businesses who are trading above the VAT threshold but who have not yet registered for VAT.

    The initiative is being discussed with interested parties to ensure HMRC has as much information from them as possible before launching the campaign later in the summer.

    Mike Wells, HMRC’s Director of Risk and Intelligence, said:

    “Our aim is to get as much input as possible into our future campaigns so that the views and experience of people and organisations outside the department play a fuller part in what we design for customers.

    “We are already in contact with a number of interested parties and I expect many more to contact us with their views before we finalise the design of the VAT initiative.

    “This will be the model for all our future campaigns and we look forward to being even more open about the compliance activity HMRC is undertaking to ensure we reduce the tax gap and help customers pay what they owe.”

    Each HMRC campaign is aimed at reducing the tax gap by focusing on areas where a significant underpayment has been identified. The department provides simple, straightforward opportunities for customers to put their records in order on the best possible terms, followed immediately by activity focused on the non-compliant who choose not to take up the opportunity. HMRC has raised over £500m from voluntary disclosures and a further £100m so far from follow-up activity.

    Previous campaigns have targeted offshore investments, medical professionals and people working in the plumbing industry. For each HMRC has used new technology and legislation to gather and analyse data, from internal and external sources, to identify people who should come forward. This has provided thousands more investigations, now being worked through, including a number of criminal investigations.

    To join the VAT Initiative discussion, individuals, organisations or businesses should contact Nicky Prys-Jones (Nicola.j.prys-jones).

  • taxmedic 8:09 pm on May 19, 2011 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: Alan Lee, , Bradford, Greater Manchester Police, HM Revenue & Customs, , Humber Police, Investigation, Laundering, Manchester, Money, North West, nottingham, Nottinghamshire. rochdale, Operation Enigma, southport, , West yorkshire Police, Yorkshire   

    Fifteen arrested in money laundering investigation 

    Fifteen arrested in money laundering investigation

    Officers from HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) investigating suspected money laundering offences in excess of £200 million have arrested 15 people during early morning raids across the North West, Yorkshire and Nottinghamshire today.

    Around 250 investigators from HMRC, assisted by officers from a number of police forces, carried out over 20 property searches in Rochdale, Manchester, Bradford, Southport and Nottingham as part of the enquiry.

    The arrests come as a result of a long-running HMRC investigation, codenamed Operation Enigma.

    HMRC’s Deputy Director for criminal investigation Alan Lee comments:

    “Operation Enigma is an HMRC-led investigation targeting money laundering offences. At various stages of the investigation, we have worked closely with colleagues from Greater Manchester Police and West Yorkshire & the Humber Police.

    “Further details cannot be provided at this early stage, as our investigation is continuing.
    However, our activity today sends out a clear message to those involved in this type of criminality. Attempts to launder the proceeds of crime are treated extremely seriously by HMRC, and we will relentlessly pursue any individuals or crime gangs believed to be actively involved in money laundering.”

    The investigation remains live and active at this time.

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